수요일, 10월 16, 2024

QOQI Group

Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Group


Our latest work titled “Coherent Two-Photon LIDAR with Incoherent Light” was published in Physical Review Letters 131, 223602 (2023). PDF

Our latest work titled “Tunable up-conversion single-photon detector at telecom wavelengths” was published in Nanophotonics (2022). https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2022-0528 PDF

Our latest work titled “Simultaneous trapping of two optical pulses in an atomic ensemble as stationary light pulses” was published in Physical Review Letters 129, 093601 (2022). PDF

Our latest work titled “Trapping a free-propagating single-photon into an atomic ensemble as a quantum stationary light pulse” was published in AVS Quantum Science 4, 021403 (2022). PDF

Our latest work titled “Distance sensitivity of thermal light second-order interference beyond spatial coherence” was published in Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 137, 647 (2022). PDF

Our latest work titled “Quantum communication with time-bin entanglement over a wavelength-multiplexed fiber network” was published in APL Photonics 7, 016106 (2022). PDF

Our latest work titled “Heisenberg-limited metrology via weak-value amplification without using entangled resources” was published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 128, 040503 (2022). PDF


Our latest work titled “Decoherence-induced sudden death of entanglement and Bell nonlocality” was published in Photonics 9(2), 58 (2022). PDF

Prof. Kim won the Korea Science Award (in Physics) for the series of fundamental studies in quantum optics and quantum information, particularly on quantum measurement (https://m.dongascience.com/news.php?idx=51233). 

Our latest work titled “Long-range distribution of high-quality time-bin entangled photons for quantum communication” was published in J. Korean Phys. Soc. 80, 203 (2022) PDF

Our latest work titled “Noise-resistant quantum communications using hyper entanglement” was published in Optica 8 (12), 1524 (2021). PDF

Prof. Kim has been elected to Fellow of Optica (formerly the Optical Society of America) in recognization “for significant scientific contributions in quantum optics on fundamental studies and applications of weak quantum measurement toward quantum information technology.”

Our latest work titled “Benchmarking quantum tomography completeness and fidelity with machine learning” was published in New Journal of Physics 23, 103021 (2021). PDF

Our latest work titled “Quantum teleportation is a reversal of quantum emasurement” was published in Physical Review Research 3, 033119 (2021). PDF

Our latest work titled “Optimal teleportataion via noisy quantum channels without additional qubit resources” was published in npj Quantum Information 7, 86 (2021). PDF

Our latest work titled “Observing the quantum Cheshire cat effect with noninvasive weak measurement” was published in npj Quantum Information 7, 13 (2021). PDF

Our latest work titled “Dispersion cancellation in a quantum interferometer with independent single photons” was published in Optics Express 29(2), 2348 (2021). PDF

Our latest work titled “Observation of second-order interference beyond the coherence time with true thermal photons” was published in Optics Letters 45(24), 6748 (2020). PDF

Our latest work titled “Universal Compressive of Quantum Dynamics” was published in Physical Review Letters 124, 210401 (2020). PDF

Our latest work titled “Generation of hyper-entangled photons in a hot atomic vapor” was published in Optics Letters 45(7), 1902 (2020). PDF

Our latest work titled “Connection between BosonSampling with quantum and classical input states” was published in Optics Express 28(5), 6929 (2020). PDF

Our latest work titled “Generation and characterization of position-momentum entangled photon pairs in a hot atomic gas cell” was published in Optics Express 27(24), 24611 (2019). PDF

Our latest work titled “Nonlocal two-photon interference of energy-time entangled photon pairs generated in Doppler-broadened ladder-type 87Rb atoms” was published in Physical Review A 100, 053817 (2019). PDF

Our latest work titled “Experimental linear optical computing of the matrix permanent” was published in Physical Review A 99, 052308 (2019). PDF

Our latest work titled “Emergence of the geometric phase from quantum measurement back-action” was published in Nature Physics 15, 665 (2019). PDF

Our latest work titled “Direct Generation of Narrow-band Hyperentangled Photons” was published in Physical Review Letters 122, 123607 (2019). PDF

Our latest work titled “Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Stationary Light Pulses in an Atomic Ensemble” was published in Physical Review X 8, 021016 (2018). PDF

Our latest work titled “Direct quantum process tomography via measuring sequential weak values of incompatible observables” was published in Nature Communications 9, 192 (2018). PDF

Our latest work titled “Second-Order Temporal Interference with Thermal Light: Interference beyond the Coherence Time” was published in Physical Review Letters 119, 263603 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Intensity correlation in frequency upconversion via four-wave mixing in rubidium vapor” was published in Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34(11), 2352 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Measuring the frequency-time two-photon wavefunction of narrowband entangled photons from cold atoms via stimulated emission” was published in Optica 4(10), 1293 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Experimental characterization of quantum polarization of three-photon states” was published in Physical Review A 96, 033840 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Reversed interplay of quantum interference and which-way information in multiphoton entangled states” was published in Physical Review A 96, 023845 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Light Storage in a Cold Atomic Ensemble with a High Optical Depth” was published in Journal of the Korean Physical Society 70(11) 1007 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Limits on manipulating conditional photon statistics via interference of weak lasers” was published in Optics Express 25(9), 10610 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Generation of a non-zero discord bipartite state with classical second-order interference” was published in Optics Express 25(3), 2504 (2017). PDF

Our latest work titled “Eienstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement of Narrow-Band Photons from Cold Atoms” was published in Physical Review Letters 117, 250501 (2016). PDF

Our latest work titled “Remote preparation of three-photon entangled states via single-photon measurement” was published in Physical Review A 94, 042329 (2016). PDF

Our latest work titled “Effects of polarization mode dispersion on polarization-etangled photons generated via broadband pumped spontaneous parametic own-conversion” was published in Scientific Reports 6, 25846 (2016). PDF

Our latest work titled “Spatial and spectral properties of entangled photons from spontaneous parametric down-conversion with a focused pump” was published in Optics Communications 366, 442 (2016). PDF

Our latest work titled “Experimental comparison between one-decoy and two-decoy implementations of the Bennet-Brassard 1984 quantum cryptography protocol” was published in Physical Review A 93, 012322 (2016). PDF

Our latest work titled “Bright source of polarization-entangled photons using a PPKTP pumped by a broadband multi-mode diode laser” was published in Optics Express 24(2), 1165 (2016). PDF