
- “Coherent two-photon LIDAR with incoherent light”, Chung-Hyun Lee, Yosep Kim, Dong-Gil Im, U-Shin Kim, Vincenzo Tamma, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 223602 (2023). PDF
- “Tunable up-conversion single-photon detector at telecom wavelengths”, Jin-Woo Chae, Jin-Hun Kim, Youn-Chang Jeong, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Nanophotonics 12, 495 (2023). PDF

- “Simultaneous trapping of two optical pulses in an atomic ensemble as stationary light pulses”, U-Shin Kim and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 093601 (2022). PDF
- “Trapping a free-propagating single-photon into an atomic ensemble as a quantum stationary light pulse”, U-Shin Kim, Yong Sup Ihn, Chung-Hyun Lee, and Yoon-Ho Kim, AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 021403 (2022). PDF
- “Distance sensitivity of thermal light second-order interference beyond spatial coherence”, Franceso V. Pepe, Giovanni Scala, Gabriele Chilleri, Danilo Triggiani, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Vincenzo Tamma, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 647 (2022). PDF
- “Quantum communication with time-bin entanglement over a wavelength-multiplexed fiber network”, Jin-Hun Kim, Jin-Woo Chae, Youn-Chang Jeong, and Yoon-Ho Kim, APL Photonics 7, 016106 (2022). PDF
- “Heisenberg-limited metrology via weak-value amplification without using entangled resources”, Yosep Kim, Seung-Yeun Yoo, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 040503 (2022). PDF
- “Decoherence-induced sudden death of entanglement and bell nonlocality”, Dong-Gil Im and Yoon-Ho Kim, Photonics 9(2), 58 (2022). PDF
- “Long-range distribution of high-quality time-bin entangled photons for quantum communication”, Jin-Hun Kim, Jin-Woo Chae, Youn-Chang Jeong, and Yoon-Ho Kim, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 80, 203 (2022) PDF

- “Noise-resistant quantum communications using hyperentanglement”, Jin-Hun Kim, Yosep Kim, Dong-Gil Im, Chung-Hyun Lee, Jin-Woo Chae, Giuliano Scarcelli, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Optica 8 (12), 1524 (2021) PDF
- “Benchmarking quantum tomography completeness and fidelity with machine learning”, Yong Siah Teo, Seongwook Shin, Hyunseok Jeong, Yosep Kim, Yoon-Ho Kim, Gleb I. Struchalin, Egor V. Kovlakov, Stanislav S. Straupe, Sergei P. Kulik, Gerd Leuchs, and Luis L. Sanchez-Soto, New J. Phys. 23, 103021 (2021) PDF
- “Quantum teleportation is a reversal of quantum measurement”, Seung-Woo Lee, Dong-Gil Im, Yoon-Ho Kim, Hyunchul Nha, and M. S. Kim, Phys. Rev. Res. 3, 033119 (2021) PDF
- “Optimal teleportation via noisy quantum channels without additional qubit resources”, Dong-Gil Im, Chung-Hyun Lee, Yosep Kim, Hyunchul Nha, M. S. Kim, Seung-Woo Lee, and Yoon-Ho Kim, npj Quantum Inf. 7, 86 (2021) PDF
- “Observing the quantum Cheshire cat effect with noninvasive weak measurement”, Yosep Kim, Dong-Gil Im, Yong-Su Kim, Sang-Wook Han, Sung Moon, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Young-Wook Cho, npj Quantum Inf. 7, 13 (2021) PDF
- “Dispersion cancellation in a quantum interferometer with independent single photons”, Dong-Gil Im, Yosep Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Express 29(2), 2348 (2021) PDF

- “Observation of second-order interference beyond the coherence time with true thermal photons”, Gyu-Hyeok Lee, Dong-Gil Im, Yosep Kim, U-Shin Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Lett. 45(24), 6748 (2020) PDF
- “Universal Compressive of Quantum Dynamics”, Yosep Kim, Yong Siah Teo, Daekun Ahn, Dong-Gil Im, Young-Wook Cho, Gerd Leuchs, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto, Hyunseok Jeong, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 210401 (2020) PDF
- “Generation of hyper-entangled photons in a hot atomic vapor”, Chengyuan Wang, Chung-Hyun Lee, Yosep Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Lett. 45(7) 1902 (2020) PDF
- “Connection between BosonSampling with quantum and classical in states”, Yosep Kim, Kang-Hee Hog, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Joonsuk Huh, Opt. Express 28(5), 6929 (2020) PDF

- “Generation and characterization of position-momentum entangled photon pairs in a hot atomic gas cell”, Chengyuan Wang, Chung-Hyun Lee, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Express 27(24), 24611 (2019) PDF
- “Nonlocal two-photon interference of energy-time entangled photon pairs generated in Doppler-broadened ladder-type 87Rb atoms”, Gyu-Hyeok Lee, Yong Sup Ihn, Ahreum Lee, U-Shin Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. A 100, 053817 (2019) PDF
- “Fabrication method for ultra-long optical micro/nano-fibers”, Donghwa Lee, Kwang Jo Lee, Jin-Hun Kim, Kyungdeuk Park, Dongjin Lee, Yoon-Ho Kim, Heedeuk Shin, Curr. Appl. Phys. 19, 1334 (2019) PDF
- “Experimental linear optical computing of the matrix permanent”, Yosep Kim, Kang-Hee Hong, Joonsuk Huh, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. A 99, 052308 (2019) PDF
- “Emergence of the geometric phase from quantum measurement back-action”, Young-Wook Cho, Yosep Kim, Yeon-Ho Choi, Yong-Su Kim, Sang-Wook Han, Sang-Yun Lee, Sung Moon, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Nat. Phys. 15, 665 (2019) PDF
- “Direct Generation of Narrow-band Hyperentangled Photons”, Tian-Ming Zhao, Yong Sup Ihn, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 123607 (2019) PDF
- “Periodic revival of frustrated two-photon creation via interference”, Dong-Gil Im, Yosep Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Express 27(5), 7593 (2019) PDF
- “Photon-pair source working in a silicon-based detector wavelength range using tapered micro/nanofibers”, Jin-Hun Kim, Yong Sup Ihn, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Heedeuk Shin, Opt. Lett. 44(2), 447 (2019) PDF

- “Dispersive Broadening of Two-photon Wave Packets Generated via Type-I and Type-II Spontaneous Parametric Down-conversion”, Kang-Hee Hong, So-Young Baek, Osung Kwon, and Yoon-Ho Kim, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73, 1650 (2018) PDF
- “Observation of photon-pair generation in the normal group-velocity-dispersion regime with slight detuning from the pump wavelength”, Kyungdeuk Park, Dongjin Lee, Yong Sup Ihn, Yoon-Ho Kim and Heedeuk Shin, New J. Phys. 20, 103004 (2018) PDF
- “Stark Tuning of Single-Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, Gichang Noh, Daebok Choi, Jin-Hun Kim, Dong-Gil Im, Yoon-Ho Kim, Hosung Seo, and Jieun Lee, Nano Lett. 18, 4710 (2018) PDF
- “Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Stationary Light Pulses in an Atomic Ensemble”, Kwang-Kyoon Park, Young-Wook Cho, Young-Tak Chough, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. X 8, 021016 (2018) PDF
- “Direct quantum process tomography via measuring sequential weak values of incompatible observables”, Yosep Kim, Yong-Su Kim, Sang-Yun Lee, Sang-Wook Han, Sung Moon, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Young-Wook Cho, Nat. Commun. 9,192 (2018) PDF

- “Second-Order Temporal Interference with Thermal Light: Interference beyond the Coherence Time”, Yong Sup Ihn, Yosep Kim, Vincenzo Tamma, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 263603 (2017) PDF
- “Intensity correlation in frequency upconversion via four-wave mixing in rubidium vapor”, Yong Sup Ihn, Kwang-Kyoon Park, Yosep Kim, Young-Tak Chough, and Yoon-Ho Kim, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34(11), 2352 (2017) PDF
- “Measuring the frequency-time two-photon wavefunction of narrowband entangled photons from cold atoms via stimulated emission”, Kwang-Kyoon Park, Jin-Hun Kim, Tian-Ming Zhao, Young-Wook Cho, and Yoon-Ho Kim Optica 4(10), 1293 (2017) PDF
- “Experimental characterization of quantum polarization of three-photon states”, Yosep Kim, Gunnar Björk, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. A 96, 033840 (2017) PDF
- “Reversed interplay of quantum interference and which-way information in multiphoton entangled states”, Young-Sik Ra, Malte C. Tichy, Hyang-Tag Lim, Clemens Gneiting, Klaus Mølmer, Andreas Buchleitner, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. A 96, 023845 (2017) PDF
- “Light Storage in a Cold Atomic Ensemble with a High Optical Depth”, Kwang-Kyoon Park, Young-Tak Chough, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Jong-Chan Lee, Yoon-Ho Kim, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 70(11), 1007 (2017) PDF
- “Limits on manipulating conditional photon statistics via interference of weak lasers”, Kang-Hee Hong, Jisung Jung, Young-Wook Cho, Sang-Wook Han, Sung Moon, Kyunghwan Oh, Yong-Su Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Express 25(9), 10610 (2017) PDF
- “Generation of a non-zero discord bipartite state with classical second-order interference”, Yujun Choi, Kang-Hee Hong, Hyang-Tag Lim, Jiwon Yune, Osung Kwon, Sang-Wook Han, Kyunghwan Oh, Yoon-Ho Kim, Yong-Su Kim, and Sung Moon, Opt. Express 25(3), 2504 (2017) PDF

- “Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement of Narrow-Band Photons from Cold Atoms”, Jong-Chan Lee, Kwang-Kyoon Park, Tian-Ming Zhao, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 250501 (2016) PDF
- “Remote preparation of three-photon entangled states via single-photon measurement”, Young-Sik Ra, Hyang-Tag Lim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. A 94, 042329 (2016) PDF
- “Effects of polarization mode dispersion on polarization-entangled photons generated via broadband pumped spontaneous parametric own-conversion”, Hyan-Tag Lim, Kang-Hee Hong, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Sci. Rep. 6, 25846 (2016) PDF
- “Spatial and spectral properties of entangled photons from spontaneous parametric down-conversion with a focused pump”, Jong-Chan Lee, Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Commun. 366, 442 (2016) PDF
- “Experimental comparison between one-decoy and two-decoy implementations of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 quantum cryptography protocol”, Youn-Chang Jeong, Yong-Su Kim, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Phys. Rev. A 93, 012322 (2016) PDF
- “Bright source of polarization-entangled photons using a PPKTP pumped by a broadband multi-mode diode laser”, Youn-Chang Jeong, Kang-Hee Hong, and Yoon-Ho Kim, Opt. Express 24(2), 1165 (2016) PDF

- “Phase and amplitude controlled heralding of N00N states”, Y.-S. Ra, H.-T. Lim, J.-E. Oh, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express 23, 30807 (2015) PDF
- “Experimental demonstration of high fidelity entanglement distribution over decoherence channels via qubit transduction”, H.-T. Lim, K.-H. Hong, and Y.-H. Kim, Sci. Rep. 5, 15384 (2015) PDF
- “Quantum discord protection from amplitude damping decoherence”, J. Yune, K.-H. Hong, H.-T. Lim, J.-C. Lee, O. Kwon, S.-W. Han, Y.-S. Kim, S. Moon, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express 23, 026012 (2015) PDF
- “Double-Fock superposition interferometry for differential diagnosis of decoherence”, M. C. Tichy, Y.-S. Ra, H.-T. Lim, C. Gneiting, Y.-H. Kim, and K. Mølmer, New J. Phys. 17, 023008 (2015) PDF

- “Entangling two separate photonic ququarts using linear optical elements”, O. Kwon, Y.-S. Ra, H.-T. Lim, Y.-S. Kim, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063830 (2014) PDF
- “Comment on ‘Non-monotonic projection probabilities as a function of distinguishability’”, Y.-S. Ra, M. C. Tichy, H.-T. Lim, O. Kwon, F. Mintert, A. Buchleitner, and Y.-H. Kim, New J. Phys. 16, 118003 (2014) PDF
- “Observation of decoherence-induced exchange symmetry breaking in an entangled state”, H.-T. Lim, J.-C. Lee, K.-H. Hong, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 90, 052328 (2014) PDF
- “Engineering Frequency-Time Quantum Correlation of Narrow-Band Biphotons from Cold Atoms”, Y.-W. Cho, K.-K. Park, J.-C. Lee, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 063602 (2014) PDF
- “Avoiding entanglement sudden death using single-qubit quantum measurement reversal”, H.-T. Lim, J.-C. Lee, K.-H. Hong, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express 22, 19055 (2014) PDF
- “Experimental demonstration of delayed-choice decoherence suppression”, J.-C. Lee, H.-T. Lim, K.-H. Hong, Y.-C. Jeong, M.S. Kim, and Y.-H. Kim,, Nat. Commun. 5, 4522 (2014) PDF
- “Fundamental Bounds in Measurements for Estimating Quantum States”, H.-T. Lim, Y.-S. Ra, K.-H. Hong, S.-W. Lee, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 020504 (2014) PDF
- “An experimental comparison of BB84 and SARG04 quantum key distribution protocols”, Y.-C. Jeong, Y.-S. Kim, and Y.-H. Kim, Laser Phys. Lett. 11, 095201 (2014) PDF

- “Multipolar hierarchy of efficient quantum polarization measures”, P. de la Hoz, A. B. Klimov, G. Björk, Y.-H. Kim, C. Müller, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs, and L. L. Sa ́nchez-Soto, Phys. Rev. A 88, 063803 (2013) PDF
- “Time-bin entangled photon pairs from spontaneous parametric down-conversion pumped by a cw multi-mode diode laser”, O. Kwon, K.-K. Park, Y.-S. Ra, Y.-S. Kim, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express, 21, 25492 (2013) PDF
- “Preservation of spatial coherence of an optical pulse in atomic vapor quantum memory”, J.-C. Lee, K.-K. Park, Y.-W. Cho, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043824 (2013) PDF
- “Experimental realization of a delayed-choice quantum walk”, Y.-C. Jeong, C. D. Franco, H.-T. Lim, M.S. Kim, and Y.-H. Kim, Nat. Commun. 4, 2471 (2013) PDF
- “Observation of detection-dependent multi-photon coherence times”, Y.-S. Ra, M. C. Tichy, H.-T. Lim, O. Kwon, F. Mintert, A. Buchleitner, and Y.-H. Kim, Nat. Commun. 4, 2451 (2013) PDF
- “Generation of Nonclassical Narrowband Photon Pairs from a Cold Rubidium Cloud”, Y.-W. Cho, K.-K. Park, J.-C. Lee, and Y.-H. Kim, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 63, 943 (2013) PDF
- “Sub-Rayleigh imaging via speckle illumination” J.-E. Oh, Y.-W. Cho, G. Scarcelli, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Lett. 38, 682 (2013) PDF
- “Experimental implementation of a fully controllable depolarizing quantum operation”, Y.-C. Jeong, J.-C. Lee, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 87, 014301 (2013) PDF
- “Nonmonotonic quantum-to-classical transition in multiparticle interference”, Y.-S. Ra, M. C. Tichy, H.-T. Lim, O. Kwon, F. Mintert, A. Buchleitner, and Y.-H. Kim, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 1227-1231 (2013) PDF

- “Experimental realization of an approximate transpose operation for qutrit systems using a structural physical approximation”, H.-T. Lim, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-S. Ra, J. Bae, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 86, 042334 (2012) PDF
- “Scheme for directly observing the noncommutativity of the position and the momentum operators with interference”, J.-C. Lee, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-S. Ra, H.-T. Lim, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 86, 042112 (2012) PDF
- “Diffusion-free image storage in hot atomic vapor”, Y.-W. Cho, J.-E. Oh, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 86, 013844 (2012) PDF
- “Central-moment description of polarization for quantum states of light”, G. Björk, J. Söderholm, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-S. Ra, H.-T. Lim, C. Kothe, Y.-H. Kim, L. L. Sánchez-Soto, and A. B. Klimov, Phys. Rev. A 85, 053835 (2012) PDF
- “Storage and retrieval of ghost images in hot atomic vapor”, Y.-W. Cho, J.-E. Oh, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express, 20, 5809 (2012). PDF
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- “Protecting entanglement from decoherence using weak measurement and quantum measurement reversal”, Y.-S. Kim, J.-C. Lee, O. Kwon, and Y.-H. Kim, Nature Phys. 8, 117 (2012). PDF

- “Observation of Young’s double-slit interference with the three-photon N00N state”, Y.-S. Kim, O. Kwon, S. M. Lee, J.-C. Lee, H. Kim, S.-K. Choi, H. S. Park, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express, 19, 24957 (2011). PDF
- “Experimental Realization of an Approximate Partial Transpose for Photonic Two-Qubit Systems”, H.-T. Lim, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-S. Ra , J. Bae, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 160401 (2011). PDF
- “Preparation and tomographic reconstruction of an arbitrary single-photon path qubit”, S.-Y. Baek, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Lett. A 375, 3834 (2011). PDF
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- “Experimental demonstration of decoherence suppression via quantum measurement reversal”, J.-C. Lee, Y.-C. Jeong, Y.-S. Kim, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express 19, 16309 (2011). PDF
- “Effects of Depolarizing Quantum Channels on BB84 and SARG04 Quantum Cryptography Protocols”, Y.-C. Jeong, Y.-S. Kim and Y.-H. Kim, Laser Physics 21, 1438 (2011). PDF
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- “Experimental verification of the commutation relation for Pauli spin operators using single-photon quantum interference”, Y.-S. Kim, H.-T. Lim, Y.-S. Ra and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Lett. A 374, 4393 (2010). PDF
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- “Weak Value Measurement with an Incoherent Measuring Device”, Y.-W. Cho, H.-T. Lim, Y.-S. Ra and Y.-H. Kim, New J. Phys. 12, 023036 (2010). PDF
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- “Coherence properties of spontaneous parametric down-conversion pumped by a multi-mode cw diode laser”, O. Kwon, Y.-S. Ra and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express 17, 13059 (2009). PDF
- “Reversing the weak quantum measurement for a photonic qubit”, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-W. Cho, Y.-S. Ra, and Y.-H. Kim, Opt. Express 17, 11978 (2009). PDF
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- “Quantum random number generator using photon-number path entanglement”, O. Kwon, Y.-W. Cho, and Y.-H. Kim, Appl. Opt. 48, 1774 (2009). PDF
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- “Preparation and characterization of arbitrary states of four-dimensional qudits based on biphotons”, S.-Y. Baek, S.S. Straupe, A.P. Shurupov, S.P. Kulik, and Y.-H. Kim, Phys. Rev. A 78, 042321 (2008). PDF
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